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African Mango

The African Mango, (bush mango,) ,is all over the news. It is the latest of the new exotic substances from far away lands that are said to have remarkable effects in weight loss. African Mango has been used as for wieght loss for centuries in Cameroon, Africa. The fruit only grows there. The brightly colored tropical fruit is found exclusively in Cameroon's west-coastal rainforests. African Mango is different from other mango fruits found elsewhere in the world in that the African Mango produces a peculiar seed, which natives of Cameroon refer to as "Dikka nuts." For hundreds of years, an extract from the seeds called irvingia gabonensis have been used among Cameroon villagers for its wide-ranging medicinal benefits.

Applied Nutritional Research, the manufacturers of the African Mango supplement, claim that it specifically targets belly fat. Belly fat is the biggest challenge in weight lose for many dieters. It seems that no matter how they try, eating less calories, eating less sugars, eating less fat, setups, aerobic exercise, whatever, nothing seems to get rid of the belly fat. If African Mango can really get rid of it, it is a weight loss aid that is of importance.

African Mango is both a fat burner and a cleanse. Published in the journal of “Lipids in Health and Disease,” a study was conducted on 102 people split between those taking the African Mango and those taking the placebo. According to the study taking African Mango resulted in “Significant improvements in body weight, body fat, and waist circumference. African Mango (Irvingia gabonensis) administered 150 mg twice daily before meals to overweight and/or obese human volunteers favorably impacts body weight and a variety of parameters characteristic of the metabolic syndrome.”

Since African Mango is the only ingredient, this product is 100% natural and safe.

African Mango Pros

  • Safe all natural
  • Clinical study posted on official website
  • Free book currently offered with order
  • Increases energy
  • Improves immune system
  • Fat Burner
  • Colon cleanser
  • Appetite suppressant
  • Metabolism accelerator

African Mango Cons

  • There are no known negative side effects to African Mango


The African Mango is one of those health supplements that seem to have many positive health benefits and probably is a good thing to be taking aside form the weight loss benefits.

There is clinical studies which show that it works for weigh loss and it is good for your overall health. 

African Mango looks like another "super-food." 

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