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A Review of the Top Fat and Carb Blockers and Their Effectiveness

Weight Loss With and Without Dieting

Fat Blockers, Carb Blockers & Fat Burners Reviewed

What's the Best Fat Burning Diet Pill


Medifast Diet


Lipo-6, is one of the few diet supplements that’s sold in the form of  maximum strength liquid capsules for superior absorption and rapid results. Lipo-6, is marketed as the “complete fat-burning formula.” Nutrex Research, the manufacturers of Lip-6 claim that their diet supplement has the ability to burn fat pertaining to “all six fat receptors” (B2, B3, B1, Alpha-1, Alpha-2 and Alpha-3) the human body possesses. This in turn burns away excess body fat quicker. Basically Lipo-6 is claimed to promote a much greater fat loss than any other diet supplement currently gracing the vast market.

Like many other diet products, Lipo-6 endeavors to boost the user’s energy levels throughout the day, in addition to curbing hunger and random cravings. Lipo-6 is advertised as being a “satisfying” diet supplement. One that will not result in crashes or jitters toward nighttime. Lipo-6 supposedly targets individual areas of the body such as the thighs, buttocks, stomach and the love handle area. The recommended dosage of Lipo-6 is four liquid capsules per day (two taken 30 minutes prior to breakfast and two in the afternoon). Lipo-6 is a diet product recommended for both men and women that wish to lose excess body fat.

The active ingredients Lipo-6 contains are :Synephrine HCL (20 mg per serving), Guggulsterones E and Z (20 mg per serving), Yohimbine HCL (3 mg per serving), Bioperine (5 mg per serving) and caffeine (200 mg per serving). Lip-6 also containes: Oleic Acid, Gelatin and Sesame Oil.

Lipo-6   Pross

  • Comes in an easy-to-take liquid capsule form
  • Is Ephedra-free.
  • Appetite suppressant
  • Fast weight loss
  • Increasing metabolism

Lipo-6 Cons

  • Before and after photos look very similar
  • Celebrity endorsements can be misleading
  • Contains large amounts of caffeine



There are a lot of people, both celebrities and everyday people saying that they have lost weight with Lipo-6. There are some clinical trails which suggest Lipo-6 is effective, however there are also some trails which may show that it is not effective, at  least not in the way the manufacturer claims.

Lipo-6 may help you lose weight. It does not appear to have any serious adverse side effects, so if you want to give it a try the worst of your downside might be that you not lose the weight you wanted. We think there are better choices, but for some Lipo-6 may be the way to go.

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