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A Review of the Top Fat and Carb Blockers and Their Effectiveness

Weight Loss With and Without Dieting

Fat Blockers, Carb Blockers & Fat Burners Reviewed

What's the Best Fat Burning Diet Pill


Akavar 20/50

Akavar-20/50's, maker Dynakor Pharmacal® made the now famous, or infamous, claim, "eat all you want and still lose weight, and we couldn't say it in print if it wasn't true." And equilly as unconventional they said, "YOU WILL NOT FAIL THIS TIME because the only thing you have to do is remember to take your easy-to-swallow Akavar-20/50 tablets each and every day. That’s it! There is nothing else to do, no other diet to buy. Akavar will do everything else for you… automatically… and that’s guaranteed."  Akavar was on full page print ads in newspapers, tabloids and magazines. The now familiar 'girl in the water' was all over the Internet.

Well that was then and this is now. Who knows how much Akavar was sold. It did well online, by mail order, and was in stores such as Wal-Mart. There were lawsuits and people had trouble getting in touch with the manufacturers to get their money back GUARANTEE. Akavar has went from 'European secret to weight loss' to a product on the very fringes of weight loss supplements.


Akavar 20-50  Pros

  • Does not require dieting*
  • 30-day money back guarantee**

Akavar 20-50 Cons

  • Unknown ingredients
  • Regular exercise and a healthy diet are discouraged
  • Difficult to contact the manufacture, Dynakor Pharmacal
  • Dynakor Pharmacal has no official website
  • No published clinical research
  • Contains large amounts of caffeine



We are of the opinion that not only does Akavar not offer any real weight loss benefits, but that it too is generally bad for your health. It contains massive doses of caffeine that has been shown to elevate blood pressure and is a root cause of many health issues. If there is beneficial ingredients in Akavar, Dynakor Pharmacal has not disclosed it. *Also, the whole concept of weight loss without adequate exercise or a sensible diet is unlikely to work and most definitely unhealthy. 

**If you need further evidence, you can refer to the fact that a class action lawsuit has been filed against Dynakor Pharmacal for widespread fraud and deception, in part by claiming to provide results without diet and exercise. In addition, the same founders were sued by the FTC in 2004. But at that time they were operating under the name of Klein Becker. Akavar 20/50 does not work.


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